Friday, August 22, 2008


I am usually sad to send my kids back to school. Not this year!! I am sick of being a ref for all the arguments, listening to how bored they are, cleaning up after them every 10 minutes, and being asked if we can go swimming(and get crypto, thankfully we didn't)!
I was as excited for them to wear their new clothes as they were since the boys hardly ever combed their hair or wore anything nice for 3 months!
I took a couple of the mandatory photo's that I think everyone does before Tanner and Saebra went to school, but didn't get TJ, the cool 8th grader before he left. So his was taken after school and he obvioulsy wasn't very cooperative. He still looks cute though.
They were all pretty excited to see friends and go back. Saebra was the only one that admitted it. Everyday she would squeal and yell "I am so excited!" I remember when I felt that way about school. I hope she stays that way a long time!


The O'Briens said...

My gosh it feels like we have been away for years! I can't believe how old Saebra looks. She's going to have to fight all the boys off sooner than I thought she would.

Cammee said...

Your kids are so beautiful! I love that picture of Tanner, he looks like a stud! And I agree with the above comment, your in trouble. Hopefully she's like we were and is just not interested in boys. :)

Richins Family said...

Your kids look so old. They are all so cute. Saebra will definitely have to fight off the boys. Your in trouble with the girls because TJ and Tanner are very handsome!

Lyric Payne said...

Your boys are way too stylin' and Saebra is absolutely beautiful, not to mention that she has better fashion sense than me and she's only 6...not fair. Although, I think you've told me that she has better fashion sense than you too, so I don't feel so bad!

Lamb Family said...

So cute! You are going to have more boyfriends and girlfriends to fight off than you can handle! Good luck! It was fun to see you on Saturday!

Deb O said...

I love the pictures-the kids look sooo good! I'm so proud of my grandkids! Love, Mom

Mitchell Family said...

Wow I have some goodlookin niece(s) and nephews! They look so cute! I have to admit I was quite sad to think of TJ in 8th grade. That kills me! I'm so glad he is a good kid, let's hope it stays that way forever!!!

Unknown said...

What cute kidlets you have. You don't need me to tell you that! What are you going to do with yourself with all the kids gone!

Tiffany said...

Lookin good! T.J. is definitely looking like his dad. All that free time you think you have will fill up faster than you want. I am with you. I couldn't wait for Isabelle to start school. Miss you!

Mandy said...

It's been a long time since I've seen you judging by how old your kids are getting! Too bad that makes us older too! I was excited to find your blog on the high schools website! how are you doing anyway?

Richins Family said...

In regards to your comment, I really haven't changed that much. I have only been to 3 or 4 enrichment activities in a year and a half. The only reason I went to the cake one is because it was held at my friends house across the street. Plus I would have been in big trouble if I didn't go.
I do like my ward out here. It is fun. The bishop is our age. Crazy huh? You would like it to because they are all around our age. But I will be moving in a different ward when our house is done. It will be sad but I know some people in the ward I am moving too and they say we will love it because the whole ward is practically our age. So that will be nice. I am only moving about a mile away from where I am now.
I do miss living by the coolest neighbors ever! Why don't you move out by me? There is a lot for sale. :) My kids would love it! If you ever come down give us a call ok?

Richins Family said...

Do you like my world's longest post? Sorry.

Finch Family said...

what a cute family. i didn't realize you had a teenager! have fun with that........